Friday, May 18, 2012

Yes I am young. Yes I am getting married.

I haven't blogged in a while because I've been super busy! I also try not to blog unless it's about something positive or about something God has been doing in my life. This time it's a little negative.

Lately, everyone thinks it's important to inform me that I am too young to get married. "You haven't lived your life yet", or "Your too young to know what you want", or (the best one yet) "Do you know what life will be like in 10 years?". Here's what I have to say about that.

I have been in a relationship for a long time. We have had many ups and downs and have worked through alot of issues. It hasn't always been easy or fun but it has made us so much closer. God has done amazing things in both of us and I KNOW we will be happily married for our whole lives. How do I know this? God promised. He made a man and woman to have healthy, meaningful marriages. He is faithful and continues to bless us if we follows his ways. I commit to making God the center of my marriage and I won't accept anything negative people say about it.

This is where it gets kinda nasty. I'm sorry your marriage sucks. I'm sorry you don't have the life you want. I'm sorry your husband is so awful you have to talk crap about him behind his back. I'm sorry you made bad choices. I'm sorry you got a divorce. PLEASE don't put my relationship on that level and think that you know everything. Because the only person who does know everything says your wrong. And I trust Him.

That's all.

P.s. We moved our date!!! It's a little sooner than the original date and I couldn't be any happier! God has his hand in everything we are doing and all the plans we are making. :)

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Doing what I LOVE

Just one year ago, I was lost and confused and begging for some guidance in my life. I didn't know what I wanted to do and I really wasn't sure where my life was headed. That was until God stepped in.

At the end of high school, my parents and I were talking about what I should do in the fall. I really wanted to play volleyball somewhere but I wasn't sure what I wanted to major in. They asked me what I loved to do and I said hair. I love to do hair. That really didn't seem like an option.  After many discussions I decided to go to KVCC and play volleyball.

That year in Kalamazoo was one of the loneliest years of my life. I hated playing volleyball and I hated school. The only good thing about that year is my sisters and Brandon were all in Kalamazoo with me. Second semester I got a job and things got a little better. I was still very lonely. That Spring, Brandon had broken up with me and both my sisters decided to move back to Jackson. I was a mess. Even though this was the hardest time I have ever faced, God really spoke to me. He gave me peace and joy in a time where I was hurting. I decided to move back home when the semester ended.

That fall I began a semester at JCC. It was another long semester and my grades were not so hot. I decided to take the next semester off to really figure things out. One night in the beginning of March my mom and I had a talk. I told her I really didn't know what I wanted to do and she asked me again, what do you love? I said well I've always loved doing hair but i don't know. She said do it then. If that's what you love then do it. That night I began looking for schools. By April 11th I had officially began the best journey of my life. I was so scared about being poor and committing to 7 hrs 5 days a week but it all worked out better than I could have imagined.

Doing hair makes me so happy. I love everything about it. I love getting up and going to school even if it means long hours. I used to be ashamed when I told people what I was in school for. Now, I could talk for hours about the awesome things I do everyday and how God brought me to this place. I let God take control of my life and now I know I'm doing what I was called to do.

I sometimes think back to that year in Kalamazoo and wonder how I could have done things differently, Even though it was really tough, I wouldn't change a thing. I learned so much and I have no regrets. It's crazy to think that doing hair could be doing Gods work but I truly believe he brought me to this for a reason. I'm going to continue to love what I do and hope Gods light shine through me :)

Friday, January 20, 2012

Let's talk about SEX!

This story is a little bit harder for me to write about. It is very personal but I really feel like God convicted me of this so I could share my story with others. I struggled with the idea of posting this online but I hope it impacts someones life.

I remember in 8th grade we had a presentation about abstinence and the importance of waiting until marriage to have sex. I wasn't at school that day but all my friends told me they signed a paper saying they would wait. Ironic thing is, I never signed it. Everyone always said they would wait until marriage but when we all got older things changed. The whole concept really stuck with me and I know it was God. For some reason he chose this to really lay on my heart.

As I entered high school, I was on a bad road. I guess you could say I was a little wild. I wasn't terrible but I wasn't making the best choices either. Brandon and I started dating when I was 15 and he was 16. I told him from the start that I didn't want to have sex until marriage. He liked me anyways ;) Brandon was (is) such a great influence on me. I stopped drinking when we got together and calmed down a lot. God put Him in my life to get me back on track.

Five years have passed since we got together. I am happy to say we are still waiting... still. It has been super hard and let me tell you, God is the reason why I am writing about this today. I remember praying every night that he would help us wait. It had been such a struggle but so worth it.

I truly believe God made sex for a man and a woman. To bring them together as one and be able to share something so personal. I have so many friends that have chosen a different path and I am sad for them. I know how hard it is to wait but I also know what a great thing its going to be when I am married to the man of my dreams and we can share something that we haven't shared with anyone else.

I didn't write this to show how holy I am or how strong I am. I am none of those things without God. He put this on my heart, He brought Brandon and I together, and HE gave us the strength and self-control we needed.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Trusting God.

This is my first ever blog post so be easy on me :)

I wanted to start blogging because I have experienced a lot of things that I hope will help other people in their walk with God. Here is one of my recent testimonies.

I am currently in Beauty school in Battle Creek and I live in Jackson. I leave at 8 am and don't get home until 5 pm, Monday through Friday. This schedule doesn't leave me a ton of time to work so in short, I am POOR! Gas costs me about 70 dollars per week so that takes up the majority of my income.

At the beginning of school (about 9 months ago), I had $1,000 in the bank and I knew I had to stretch it out for the entire year of school. I was working just enough to cover gas and food expenses and my parents agreed to cover the rest. I had no extra money so that $1,000 was very important to me. I only touched that money when I absolutely had too.

I was extremely worried about money until God began to work on me. He was beginning to show me that He truely does provide and I don't have to worry for a single second about where my money will come from or how I will get by. I would not trade this for anything.

I have always tithed 10% for as long as I have been working. So, I continued to do so even if that meant having $3 left for the week. I began to get money from the most random places! One week, I needed $65 dollars for gas and I didn't have a single dollar. I got a check in the mail from the government for $65 that week. Seriously.   God began the show me to trust Him completely.

I continued tithing and working and everything was going great! Well, last week, I was listening the Family Life Radio and a story came on about a man who saved $27,000 for his retirement. Obviously that's a ton of money and i'm sure he had big plans. He ended up donating all of it to his church. As I was listening to this story, I experienced God speak to me for the first time ever.

God told me very clearly to give the rest of my money in my savings account away. I had $245 dollars left. That's a big deal to me. That's my security! God was telling me to give up that money and let Him be my security. I was holding on to that money for dear life because I believed once it was gone I was screwed! By giving that money away, I no longer had control. I gave it to God.

I gave the money to my church on Sunday! I couldn't be happier :) I know God has a plan for me and I am now humbled and completely vulnerable. That's when God does his work!