Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Jeremiah 1:5

I am a very stubborn person. Everything is black or white, right or wrong. So for someone to change my mind or opinion on something is a pretty big win for them. This time, God won. He changed my heart in such a powerful way, so of course I must share!

My generation and the generation following me have a very unique struggle. With all the social media, movies and television we hear so many different opinions. Opinions on whether or not to vaccinate, who to vote for, how you should look, how to raise our kids, basically what to believe. IT'S LOUD AND IT DOESN'T GO AWAY! It's like the devil on your shoulder, whispering nonsense into your ear and it doesn't let up. I was in a place of such confusion, I just had no idea what and who to believe.

Anytime the topic of abortion would come up I sort of had to typical answer, "Of course I don't believe in it but what if someone is raped?", or "I would never do it but it's not my business what other people do". I took this stance because I had never heard anyone put up a good fight about it. I really had never heard a christian talk about it in depth. That's what I mean when I say the media is loud. I have been in church and around christian's my whole life and never heard anyone really talk about abortion. I'm sure they did but the things I was seeing and reading had such a bigger impact on my life so that's what I went along with.

Brandon and I had never talked about abortion either. We both were sort of neutral about it. He came across a documentary called 180 and our views changed almost instantly. All it took was hearing someone explain what abortion REALLY is and what an impact it really has on peoples lives. Shortly after that, our pastor did a whole sermon on abortion. I think that is when my views dramatically changed. I mean I was on fire after that, and the fire just keeps getting bigger and hotter. I later did a ton of research and learned that people actually perform abortions all throughout pregnancy, not just the first trimester. I really don't think that is common knowledge because I have had so many people say "Well that is illegal so that doesn't happen". Umm GOOGLE IT! Watching a doctor break the neck of a baby at 24 weeks and proceed to break each limb off and pull all the pieces out of the womb, that crap changes your life. I cried the entire video and for a while after that.

I just never knew how gruesome the act of abortion really is. It is murder in the worst form. I don't have the ability to change anyone's mind even though I wish I could. For me, it took God changing my heart and giving me love and compassion for those helpless little babies. You can make excuses all you want but I truly think people know the truth, deep down. If you aren't sure where you stand I will give a few resources that simply educate. DO YOUR RESEARCH!

I don't want this to be a post about why abortion is wrong, even though I could go on for days about that. My hope is that people see no matter where you stand on the debate, the problem isn't going to go away until people are ready for God to work in their lives. We need hearts to be completely transformed and it is so possible!

“Before I formed you in the womb I knew[a] you,
    before you were born I set you apart;
    I appointed you as a prophet to the nations.
Jeremiah 1:5

Links to abortion information:
Live Abortion:

I also recommend watching Octoberbaby. If you don't like crying in front of people you should probably watch it alone. 

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